NEWSFLASH: Santa Claus is now SantiClaus

Change the stitching on your stockings and change the β€œTo:” name on your year-end wish list – Santa Claus is now SantiClaus. […]

Microsoft Songsmith Signals the End of the Human Musician

Microsoft Songsmith is new software from Redmond that actually introduces a pretty cool technological maneuver: it parses a musical vocal passage and attempts to add auto accompaniment in a variety of styles, taking cues from the user as to emotional scale ranging from happy and sad to genre based generalities like “jazzy” and “twist” and gee, I dunno, a train smashing into a muzak jukebox. […]

Google Shuts Down Video, Big Labels drop DRM and Indie 103.1 R.I.P

There is a lot to report in the music world this week, major changes, shifts in policy and the death of what may have been one of the best radio stations ever. […]

VIDEO: Eskimohunter – Live in Tokyo

In case you have been wondering what ever happened to hot L.A. wombadelics Eskimohunter, they are alive and well and rocking Japan: This is the last song of their set “ICE STATION ZEBRA” at Cave Be in TOKYO. […]