MusicZeitgeist Artist Profile: the dreamwalkin sound of Sara Carlson


Sara Carlson is a lifetime of music and dance charged like static to strike you right in the guts and explode your heart into music and all kinds of vibrations. […]

Threads of Americana. Repurposed Traditions and the New German Folk Music

Willy Tea Taylor in Berlin

After the silence induced by the Nazi regime, hybrids of American folk songs with German texts made way for new genres such as krautrock. There were suddenly spaces – dance halls and music circles – blossoming and popular artists found the courage to redefine previously popular songs. […]

David Bowie is Dead. Long Live David Bowie. A Life.

A tribute to David Bowie and his influence and effects on a life. […]

Serena Ryder Plays the Quietest Concert Ever + [VIDEO]


Tuned into nature On August 29, multi award-winning performing artist Serena Ryder performed a concert, ‘on the ocean floor’ at low tide in Fundy National Park near the southeast coast of Canada, to more than 1,000 attendees using Sennheiser wireless headphones as part of Parks Canada and CBCMusic’s Quietest. Concert. Ever. Herring Cove beach is located […] […]